
What’s New in .NET 8?

.NET 8 Container Enhancements

  • Enhanced Security: .NET 8 images now include a non-root user by default, promoting better container security with a simple one-line configuration.
  • Improved Tooling: The .NET SDK tooling allows you to publish container images without needing a Dockerfile, keeping the non-root configuration as the default.
  • Smaller Base Images: Leverage smaller .NET base images, including experimental variants that achieve minimal application sizes through native AOT (Ahead-of-Time) compilation.
  • Chiseled Ubuntu Variants: Optional Chiseled Ubuntu image variants are available to further reduce your attack surface.
  • Versatile Builds: Whether you use Dockerfiles or SDK tooling, you can easily build applications and container images for any architecture, streamlining development and deployment.

Artificial Intelligence

  • AI Integration: .NET 8 makes incorporating AI into your applications easy with built-in AI features in the .NET SDK and compatibility with various tools.
  • Generative AI: Utilize generative AI and large language models to create unique AI-driven experiences within your applications.

Blazor Enhancements

  • Full Stack Web Development: Blazor in .NET 8 supports both server and client capabilities, addressing all web UI needs with optimized page load times and scalability.
  • Integrated Runtime: Seamlessly incorporate both Blazor Server and Blazor WebAssembly within the same application, allowing automatic runtime shifts from server to client.
  • Performance Improvements: A “Jiterpreter”-based runtime and new built-in components enhance the performance and responsiveness of your .NET code on WebAssembly.
  • Enhanced Authentication: Blazor now supports generating a complete Blazor-based Identity UI, improving authentication, authorization, and identity management.

Visual Studio Support

  • Visual Studio 2022: Version 17.8 supports .NET 8, includes C# 12 language enhancements, and introduces new features for enhanced productivity.
  • Visual Studio Code: Coupled with the C# Dev Kit, it offers an excellent environment for exploring and experimenting with .NET 8 on Linux, macOS, and GitHub Codespaces.


.NET 8 offers a powerful and versatile framework for developing a wide range of applications. With its performance enhancements, language improvements, and advancements in ASP.NET Core and Blazor, .NET 8 is a compelling choice for modern software development. Embrace the future of development with .NET 8 and elevate your coding experience!